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Caller ID and Dynamic Caller ID Settings

Updated: 4/19/2024 1:43 AM

Basic Caller ID settings specify what is displayed account-wide for on outbound extension calls: a default phone number, the direct dial number of the extension, or no phone number (Unavailable or Private). End Users can apply settings for their Caller ID in the Desktop App if allowed. 

Dynamic Caller ID lets you assign an identifier (code) to phone numbers. When a call is placed with the Caller ID code, the phone number associated with that code is presented on outbound calls.

Manage Caller ID Settings
  1. Sign in to the Admin Portal.
  2. Click Account, then click PBX Settings.
  3. Scroll to Outbound Caller ID Number and apply one of the following settings:
    For all extensions use the default caller IDSelect the phone number to display on outbound calls.
    For each extension display the direct dial number for the extensionDisplay the direct dial number for that extension on outbound calls.
    Block all Outbound Caller IDDisplay Unavailable or Private on outbound calls.
Allow Users to Set Caller ID

Use the following steps to let End Users set their own outbound Caller ID.

  1. Sign in to the Admin Portal.
  2. Click Phone System, then click Users.
  3. Hover over the targeted user, then click the Pencil icon. 
  4. Click Settings and Permissions, then mark this option:

    Allow this user to set and block the outbound caller id for extensions.
  5. Click Save.
Apply and Use Dynamic Caller ID Setting
Set Dynamic Caller ID
  1. Sign in to the Admin Portal.
  2. Click Phone System, then click Phone Numbers.
  3. Hover over the targeted number, then click Change Caller ID Code.
  4. Enter a numeric code (1 to 10 digits), then click Update.
Use Dynamic Caller IDDial Caller ID Code +**Destination Phone Number

Here is an example of domestic and international use.

Domestic: 75** + Area Code + Phone Number
International: 75** + 011 + Country Code + Area Code + Phone Number


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